Monday, March 05, 2007

I hear that the weather in the UK at the moment is stunning, but I would like this opportunity to make everyone very jelous.... It is T-Shirt weather here!!! Its sooooo warm, it's fantastic!!!

Anyway.... Back to updating you guys with my news...

In the Uk, I recorded 13 songs in Albanian (with the help of Trent, Mark and Bruce). This has proved to be a very important resource. I have given out several copies of these songs, and the people here seem to enjoy them very much. They will I hope prove to be very useful for them to learn the new songs which we have translated.

Not much else has happened as yet. We didn't go to Cuke on Saturday due to a lot of illness which is going around at the moment. Church on Sunday was pretty good, although the Forskuaer church is once again lacking in numbers. Please continue to pray for them.

An update with Iliar, since I've been away, is that he has gone to the God Loves Albania center in Tirana, and is settling in. I will keep you updated on how he's doing, but he seems to be happy there apparently.

Finally - I want to thank one person in particular who contributed money to buy a wheelchair for one of the residents here in Sarande. The wheelchair will be used by a guy called Jorgo. I will hopefully get some pictures soon. The wheelchair is due to arrive in Albania in May. That is great news, especially to Jorgo and his wife.

Will write again soon, and will hopefully get some great pics of the sunshine, just to prove I'm not kidding!! :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sion, yeah but I bet it gets TOOOO HOT sometimes :)

Been trying to find an email address for you in Albania but cant. perhaps you could mail my work addr so I can forward the odd bit to you...... like your desk is getting an ICM squatter... bet thats all a million miles away from your thoughts right now:)

Good luck