Tuesday, December 19, 2006

On the eve of the Sarande all-churches concert.... I've developed a cold. My throat really hurts, and I'm meant to sing tomorrow. Its a concert which all the churches of Sarande are contributing to. It was aranged at slightly short notice, so I hope people turn up!! I'll tell you how it goes tomorrow.

On a happy note.... We've got rain - lots of it. Ive soaked through 2 pairs of shoes today. I was being sarcastic about it being a happy note. I hate having damp feet :o(


Anonymous said...

Hi Sion
Met up with your mum & dad & Margaret & John Phillips for the annual Christmas get together this week, and was surprised to hear of your current location. Just a bit different to Berkshire! Well done, hope your ministry there is a success - I'm sure that the locals will benefit greatly from having you amongst them. It's traditional to get a cold at Christams Sion, so a bit of a reminder of Wales (Ha! Ha!). You'll have to acquire some waterproofs and wellies - more reminders of home! I hear that congratulations may be in order in the very near future, to which I'd like to add my own. If ever you need a cake in the future.......! On a personal note, I've reached the end of an era, and moved to Sully - and sold 7a! I went down memory lane with your mum & dad on Monday - they couldn't believe that I'd been there 24 years, but it must be the case, because when I first met you, you were 3 and Welsh-speaking only, and I struggle with thinking of you as being 27, as it reminds me of my own advancing years!! Still, 2007 looks very bright & prosperous, and I very much hope that it will be the same for you. Merry Christmas - and Best Wishes for the future.

B said...

HI Sion

Well this may be the last chance to comment on your Blog before you head home for Christmas. MERRY Christmas and I hope Santa brings you all your hearts desires :)
Thank you for all the wonderful photos and for rekindling such happy memories. Love B