Sunday, January 21, 2007

Congratulations to Roo and Tom Jeffrey, who had a fantastic baby girl on the 18th of January. Really looking forward to coming home and seeing little baby Isabelle. Hope you don’t mind but I thought I’d put the picture here for everyone to see…

Yesterday I visited Cuke, and took with me about 10 pounds (40 bars) of chocolate!! I was soooo tempted to eat a bar myself, but I resisted. The money was given to me by Anna’s mum to buy

something for the children, and since the money was raised by
holding a tuck shop at a Bosh gig ( I thought it would be fitting to take the children some chocolate.

On buying the aforementioned 40 bars of chocolate, needless to say, I had some VERY funny looks at the shop, but thankfully my Albanian is coming along enough to manage the explanation that they were for the kids at Cuke.

When we arrived at Cuke, we found out that a lot of the residents there were very ill. It looks like they all had flu, and some of the younger ones – one girl in particular (pictured here with Anna back in September) looked terrible (bless her). Please if you can remember these guys in your prayers – I really hope they all recover quickly.

Nothing much else to report, I’m afraid. Still no rain (which isn’t a bad thing in my book!!) and am still giving computer lessons – Mondays lesson is on MSN Messenger!! Hee hee!!!

Take care readers…. Still glad to know you’re all alive, so keep in touch.


Kathryn McClure said...

mr sion,
what a great blog, I'm so impressed. Well its been *snowing* here in Reading, which I guess is a tad different to you over there in Albania!

Is there anything we can post you that you'd appreciate? Let us know so we can send you something nice!

have a great rest of the week, and keep smiling.

kat x

Anonymous said...

Computer lessons hey? - Awesome dude. Are you advancing their knowledge in dealing with a P1?!! Well done siony, good to see you are using your much sought after skills, we MISS them in Measham Way!! The internet went 'off' the other day, and they were without connection for 2 days until I popped round and noticed the connection was unplugged from the phoneline!!! ha ha!! They will kill me for putting that on public blog space!Anyway, will certainly be praying for your work, and what a cool idea to try and fund the volleyball thing? Much love xxx